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"She Changed My World: Who Rescued Who?" by Shana Henry

"She Changed My World: Who Rescued Who?" by Shana Henry

Posted by Shana Henry on 4th Sep 2014

"I met my first pibble four years ago when she was about 8 months. She was adorable and looking for love and attention through her owner's chain link fence. When we walked by with his dog she would run up and down the fence with a big pibble smile, wagging tail and tongue hanging out of her big mouth. In this yard my boyfriend and me had seen at least 4 pit bull type dogs come and go within the last 6 months. 

"One day when trying to say "hi" to this little girl we were instantly told to get away because they did not want her to be nice. A week later the poor girl was roped to a tire where she spent the next month or so being abused, neglected, kicked, hit and yelled at by the children and adults who lived at this residence. We would talk about this pup daily and how awful of a life this was for her. 

"It wasn't long before we could no longer sit idly by knowing she was living in such a cruel circumstances. We decided we had to take charge and we had to do something. In our area if you call on dog cases for rescue and this dog happens to be a pit bull type dog, they are quick to be euthanized. This was something we couldn't stomach. We had also thought about approaching the owner and asking to pay them for her, but this also just seemed worthless. So one night we decided we had to take matters into our hands and rescue her! So late one night my boyfriend jumped over that fence, grabbed her and quickly ran off. 

"When he got her back to our place she was dirty and starved. Her neck was red and sore from where the rope had been too tight around her neck. Despite her condition she was friendly and loving, she showed no food or dog aggression and was she was full of energy. 

"Over the next few months she steadily gained the 40 lbs that would bring her to a healthy weight, we treated the skin condition she had contracted from malnourishment, she was fixed and became part of the family. Since then she has been my best friend and side kick and I have taken an oath to help save other pit bulls from these type of situations. 

"She changed my world with her wiggly butt, big head and even bigger heart! She loves belly rubs, cuddling under the covers, long walks, basking in the sun and chasing her sister (who I rescued shortly after her) around the back yard."

Story and photos submitted by Shana Henry

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